You’re never too young to make a Will
Charles French & Co are proud participants in Cornwall Hospice Care’s ‘Make A Will Week’ which gives you the opportunity to write or update your Will in return for a charitable donation.
Making a Will is often something people start to think about later in life. Research has revealed that 73% of 16-54 year olds do not have a Will. In the event that someone dies without a Will then what happens to their property is determined by the Government under the Intestacy Rules.
Recent trends show an increase growth in the number of couples choosing to ‘co-habit’ (without getting married). This can have a significant impact on the legal position in the event of death. Under the Intestacy Rules cohabitees get nothing (unlike a spouse), regardless of how long they have been living together. Instead, potentially distant relatives will benefit from an unexpected windfall.
It’s never too early to start thinking about making a Will.
If you would like to discuss making a Will or updating an existing Will with a member of our Wills and Probate Team please contact us on 01726 67 660 or email info@charlesfrenchlaw.co.uk